A fascinating history of the USA from the time of the Amerindians to the culturally diverse but united country of today.
A NEW WORLD1 The, first Americans
2 Explorers from Europe
3 Virginian beginnings
4 Puritan New England
5 Colonial life in America
6 The roots of revolution
7 Fighting for independence
8 Forming the, new nation
9 Years of growth
10 West to the Pacific
11 North and South
12 The civil War
13 Reconsrruction
14 Miners, railroads and cattlemen
15 Farming; the Great Plains
16 The Amerindians' last stand
17 Inventors and industries
18 The Golden Door
19 Reformers and progressives SO
20 An American empire
Twentieth Century Americans
21 A war and a peace
22 The Roaring Twenties
23 Crash and depression
24 Roosevelt's New Deal
25 The Arsenal of Democracy
26 Prosperity and problems
27 Black Americans
28 Cold War and Korea
29 A balance of terror
30 The Vietnam years
31 America's back yard
32 An end to Cold War?
33 The American Century

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