"PREOCCUPATION with transience is not found solely within Old
English elegiac poetry, though students of the genre may be forgiven for
gaining that impression. There can be no major literature of the world that
does not number among its themes wonder at the demise of earlier
civilisations and regret for the brevity of human life and human joy. In a
literature such as that of the Anglo-Saxons, marked by a variety of
influences and traditions, it is hard to attribute with certainty all manifes-
tations of the transience motif ..."
English elegiac poetry, though students of the genre may be forgiven for
gaining that impression. There can be no major literature of the world that
does not number among its themes wonder at the demise of earlier
civilisations and regret for the brevity of human life and human joy. In a
literature such as that of the Anglo-Saxons, marked by a variety of
influences and traditions, it is hard to attribute with certainty all manifes-
tations of the transience motif ..."
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